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- Marenco AG – ISO GPS Schulung
ISO GPS Quality and safety for your design data - practical & simple! How you will cover and understand 80% of the applications with 20% of the ISO GPS content. Short theory blocks followed by practical exercises. Handout: slide set, approx. 100 pages, approx. 6 chapters with 3-4 exercises About 20 exercises with explanations and solutions What does ISO GPS mean? Which standards does ISO GPS cover? Principles and advantages of ISO GPS / Practical examples Dimensional tolerancing; linear size dimensions, distances and angular size dimensions. References; theory, reference system, hierarchy, composite references, reference points. Shape and position tolerances; theory, indication on the drawing, straightness, flatness, parallelism, perpendicularity, TED dimensions, position tolerance, surface profile, shape and position. Nachhaltige Entwicklung hat zum Ziel, mit einem intelligenten Einsatz der Ressourcen einen möglichst grossen Nutzen für alle beteiligten Akteure (entlang der Wertschöpfungskette) und Zufriedenheit der Kunden und Konsumenten, sowie der Gesellschaft bei minimaler Umweltbelastung unter sozial fairen Bedingungen zu erzielen. Rainer Züst Maximale Kreislauffähigkeit Produktnutzen verlängern & erweitern / Materialreduktion / Energieeinsatzreduktion / Vermeidung von Emissionen Kein Co2 zählen Mit der Value Chain Analysis und dem Product Cycle Assessment erkennen Sie, welche Komponenten Ihrer Produkte bei der Nach-haltigkeits-Überarbeitung den grössten Effekt erziehlen. People > Planet > Profit Nachhaltige Entwicklung heisst: intelligenter Res- sourcen-Einsatz / zufriedene Kunden & Gesellschaft / Mini-male Umweltbelastung / Faire & soziale Bedingungen Workshop- Angebot Die Marenco AG als Entwi- cklungs- und Realisierungs- partner in Zusammenarbeit mit dem IPEK Institut für Produktdesign, Entwicklung und Konstruktion der OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschu- le geben Ihnen Werkzeuge für konkrete Verbesserungen in die Hand. Die 10 Re 's Mit diesen Re‘s optimieren Sie ihre bestehenden und neuen Produkte. ...und beginnen mitzuteilen, dass Sie ihr Unternehmen nachhaltig positionieren. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei! 1 - Re fuse Der Verzicht auf den Einsatz von (endlichen) Rohstoffen und die Freisetzung schädlicher Emmissionen ist für die Umwelt am besten 2 - Re duce Die Reduktion des Verbrauchs von Rohstoffen und die Erzeugung schädlicher Emmissionen ist die zweitbeste Lösung. 3 - Re think Bei Rethink geht es nicht darum, 10% besser zu werden, sondern 10x so gut. Die Mottos dafür lauten „Think big“ und „Think different“! 4 - Re design Die Umgestaltung bestehender Produkte, Dienstleistungen & Prozesse ermöglicht die Reduzierung von Ressourcen & Emmissionen. 5 - Re use Reuse ist eine perfekte Möglichkeit, Ressourcen durch die Weiterverwendung bereits hergestellter Produkte einzusparen. Die Emissionen beim Gebrauch sollen dann nicht höher sein, als bei der Verwendung neuerer Produkte. 6 - Re pair Durch reparieren verlängert sich der Nutzungszyklus, wodurch Ressourcen eingespart werden. 7 - Re furbishing Beim Refurbishing erfahren Produkte eine Aufarbeitung/Upgrade, was ebenfalls den Nutzungszyklus verlängert und dem Produkt Mehrwert verschafft. 8 - Re fabrication Bei diesem Prozess werden Produkte, Maschinen und Anlagen in einen Zustand versetzt, dem der eines Neuaggregats entspricht. Es spart Rohstoffe ein, vermeidet Abfall und verlängert die Nutzung. 9 - Re purpose Druch Repurpose erhalten Materialien oder Gebäude durch Umnutzung eine zweite Le- bensphase in einem neuen Kontext. Abbruch oder Abriss wäre die Alternative. 10 - Re cycle Beim Recycling wird der Verbrauch von Primärrohstoffen durch die Verwendung der Stoffe aus zerstörten Produkten reduziert. Die Rohstoffe dienen zur Herstellung neuer Produkte. Structure of the training Design for sustainability workshop So gelingt der Einstieg in die kreis-lauffähige Produktgestaltung. Akade-misch fundiert und praktisch umgesetzt geben wir Ihnen Werkzeuge für konkrete Verbesserungen in die Hand. alle 10 Re‘s MEHR Einfach ist schwierig! Das hindert uns nicht daran, für unsere Kunden die geballte Kreativität und Erfahrung zu nutzen, um ihren Produkten die Komplexität zu reduzieren und auf Reparaturfähigkeit zu setzen. Das reduziert Kosten und macht Ihre Produkte kreislauffähig. Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4, Re6, Re7, Re10 Reduktion & Sicherheit go LEFT act right Mutige Jungunternehmen revolutio- nieren mit unserer Hilfe Märkte. Wir unterstützen StartUps mit Kreativität und Entwicklungserfahrung. Durch ro-buste Praxistauglichkeit gelingt es, Technologien für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu etablieren. Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4, Re6, Re7, Re10 Ressourcen- schonend Dank IoT Das Beispiel des zeigt schön unsere Idee der Sortimentsentwicklung. Was mit einer Wettbewerbs-Aus-schreibung für einen Abfallkübel be-gann, ist zum Rundumsortiment ge-wachsen. Vom Tisch-Hai bis zum Unterflursystem mit IoT-Anbindung. Das spart Fahrten und reduziert den Auf-wand der Kommunen. Re1, Re2, Re3, Re6, Re7, Re8, Re10 Belastungen reduzieren Für das medizinische Schulungsgerät der AO-Foundation stammen Ent- wicklung, HMI und Umsetzung von Marenco. Das Gerät trainiert Ortho- päden in der Knochenreparatur. Das reduziert Röntgendosen, Operations-zeiten und Patientenbelastung. Mit weniger Energie & kürzeren Zeiten wirkt sich das auch finanziell positiv aus. Re1, Re2, Re3, Re6, Re10 Unsere Schulungen Explizit die ISO GPS-Schulung zeigt, wie die Norm bei richtiger Anwendung Zeit und Kosten über den kompletten Produktlebenszyklus spart. Im Unter-schied zu vermassten Zeichnungen ist sie für Folgeprozesse nutzbar und ermöglicht einen lückenlosen, von allen nutzbaren Datenstrom. Re2, Re3, Re4, Re7 Unser Workshop für Ihren Weg zum kreislauffähigen Produkt. Praktische Anleitung – akademisch fundiert. Warum Sie dieses Angebot interessieren soll: Ost Workshop Get to know us and our services. We will be happy to advise you on your project in a personal meeting without obligation. Zukünftige Regulierungen und neue Spezifikationen verlangen nach kreislauffähigem Handeln. Wir vermitteln die Grundlagen, um diesen Weg einzuschlagen Sie erhalten Werkzeuge zur Hand, mit denen Sie selbständig in die Zukunft gehen. Lassen Sie sich von uns beraten und bestellen Sie unseren Workshop „Design for Sustainability“ Get to know us and our services. We will be happy to advise you on your project in a personal meeting without obligation. Raffael Heierli, Head of Mechanical Engineering & MJF CONTACT FORM +41 44 952 57 03
- Marenco News Feed
Marenco Blog – Stay connected! Wöchentliche Beiträge zum Thema Design & Engineering MEHR Get to know us and our services. We will be happy to advise you on your project in a personal meeting without obligation. Raffael Heierli, Head of Mechanical Engineering CONTACT FORM +41 44 952 57 26
- Design und Konstruktion | Marenco AG, Pfäffikon ZH
From an unthinkable idea to a market-dominating product NEW 3D-PRINT WEBPLATFORM Click here for the consultation CONTACT FORM +41 44 952 57 57 Press Release A bright future with the new Management Team! News +41 44 952 57 57 E-Mail Marenco Work at Marenco AG JOBS
- Mechanical Enigneering | Marenco AG
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Innovative solutions and result-driven development up to the successful product. Pre-concepts | Innovation workshops | Product & market analyses | Design & Development | Simulation (FEM/CFD) & Validation | Prototype and device construction | Technical documentation Click here for a free consultation Beratungsgespräch Cost control: Your costs are getting out of hand because decisive development steps were not tested at an early stage (prototyping) and errors have crept in as a result... Time management: Your development regularly falls behind because groundbreaking decisions drag on... Project team: You lack consistency in the internal project team because employees work on several projects at the same time... Technologies and trends: You may know your market, but you are too involved in day-to-day business to keep track of the latest technologies and trends... Are you familiar with these challenges? Project management: You don't lack promising product ideas. If it weren't for the day-to-day business that keeps getting in the way of efficient and practical implementation... Beratungsgespräch We support innovative companies in implementing their ideas quickly, safely and practically, so that you as a company can realise your full potential and put your horsepower on the road. Click here for a free consultation Our competence for your success! Extensive range of services: Product designers, development engineers and production specialists all work in-house hand in hand. Your success is our success: We have a high understanding of quality and are therefore committed that your product development succeed. Feasibility: We only deliver design and functional concepts that can be produced and implemented. Thanks to in-depth expertise and our in-house prototyping department. Since 1997: Designated experience in the successful development of products for sectors such as Industry, mechanical engineering, aviation, medical technology, consumer goods Project management: You don't lack promising product ideas. If it weren't for the day-to-day business that keeps getting in the way of efficient and practical implementation... References Click here for a free consultation 1. CONTACT Get in touch with us via contact form or phone call 2. CONSULTING We will be happy to advise you free of charge and explain in detail how we can help your product succeed with our extensive range of services. 3. OFFER Based on your specifications, we prepare a cooperation proposal with a cost estimation, project schedule and timetable. Get to know us and our services. We will be happy to advise you on your project in a personal meeting without obligation. Raffael Heierli, Head of Mechanical Engineering & MJF CONTACT FORM 041 44 952 57 87 Kontakt MJF
- Marenco AG | Jobs
Working at Marenco AG We are looking forward to receiving applications for the We are looking forward to receiving applications for the fields of design, engineering (mechanics), prototyping, CAx / PLM consulting.We are always looking for talent: spontaneous applications are always welcome! Current positions Entwicklungsingenieur mit Projekt- und Führungserfahrung (m/w/d) – 100% PDF Mechanical Engineer (m/w/d) – 100% PDF CAx Specialist/in Siemens NX / Mechanical Engineer (m/w/d) – 100% PDF I look forward to receiving your complete application documents by e-mail. Diana Schopfer, Human Resources E-Mail +41 44 952 57 08
- Marenco AG | Marenco Innovation Park | 8330-Pfäffikon ZH
- Marenco AG – ISO GPS Schulung
Quality and safety for your design data - practical & simple! How you will cover and understand 80% of the applications with 20% of the ISO GPS content. ISO GPS Nutzen Extensive range of services: Product designers, development engineers and production specialists all work in-house hand in hand. Cours organisation Individually tailored to your needs and company structures Training on your premises Training on the premises of Marenco AG Remote Structure of the training Short theory blocks followed by practical exercises. Handout: slide set, approx. 100 pages, approx. 6 chapters with 3-4 exercises About 20 exercises with explanations and solutions What does ISO GPS mean? Which standards does ISO GPS cover? Principles and advantages of ISO GPS / Practical examples Dimensional tolerancing; linear size dimensions, distances and angular size dimensions. References; theory, reference system, hierarchy, composite references, reference points. Shape and position tolerances; theory, indication on the drawing, straightness, flatness, parallelism, perpendicularity, TED dimensions, position tolerance, surface profile, shape and position. Click here for a free consultation 1. CONTACT Get in touch with us via contact form or phone call 2. CONSULTING We will be happy to advise you free of charge and explain in detail how we can help your product succeed with our extensive range of services. 3. OFFER Based on your specifications, we prepare a cooperation proposal with a cost estimation, project schedule and timetable. Get to know us and our services. We will be happy to advise you on your project in a personal meeting without obligation. CONTACT FORM +41 44 952 57 87 Raffael Heierli, Head of Mechanical Engineering
- UX-/UI-Design, Control Concept, Usability | Marenco AG
UX/UI-Design UX/UI-Design 1/5 UX-/UI-Design Please switch to a PC/laptop/tablet for optimal viewing. As a design service provider, we support you and your customers in the development of user interfaces (UX/UI design). From PLC controls to Industry 4.0 web applications: We make complex workflows understandable, visible and intuitive. Get the best out of your application. Design & usability = Added value! We know how to structure complex workflows and high information content in a compact, logical and intuitive way: With clearly defined workflows (use cases) and user groups to the goal! Control concept (UX): We know how to present complex workflows and high information content in a compact, intuitive and user-friendly way. Individual designs in the look of your company or your customers. Design (UI) We create icons, buttons, infographics, technical illustrations, 2D/3D visualizations in static (image) or moving form (animation). Graphic & Animation: We attach great importance to prototyping. By means of web-based prototypes, both operating and design concepts can be tested at an early stage. True to the motto: Efficiently to the goal! Prototyping Success through professional testing! We carry out tests with defined users and use their results to optimize your operating and design concept. Testing Looking at a project from the outside helped several times to succeed. We advise you on questions concerning your operating- and design concept as well as on technology and hardware issues. Consulting We work for a wide range of sectors. Operating and design concepts for mobile and fixed user interfaces in the fields of automation, production, processing, industry Industry Operating and design concepts for mobile and fixed user interfaces in the field of medical technology, pharmaceuticals, research Medical Technology Operating and design concepts for mobile and fixed user interfaces in buildings (smart home, facility management) Building Technology Operating and design concepts for mobile and fixed user interfaces around the topic of mobility (vehicles, controls, monitoring) Mobility Operating and design concepts for mobile and fixed user interfaces in everyday life (household, kitchen, leisure, sports) Consumer Products Operating and design concepts for digital display elements in public spaces. Public Space Interested in taking your application to the next level? We combine functionality, aesthetics and excellence. Let us advise you without any obligation. We will be happy to show you the advantages of professional UX/UI design using real project examples. Mart Hürlimann, Lead Design +41 79 212 27 18
- Mechanical Enigneering | Marenco AG
Are you suffering from a shortage of skilled workers? We have the solution! Learn more about it here! You define the timeframe, we provide our specialists from the areas of mechanical engineering, industrial design, UX design at on site or remotely at your disposal Construction & Development | Mechanical Engineering | Procut- and Industrial Design | UX-/UI-Design | Experienced Project Management | Seniors and Juniors BODY-LEASING Click here for a free consultation Beratungsgespräch Are you familiar with these challenges? Cost control: Your costs are getting out of hand because decisive development steps were not tested at an early stage (prototyping) and errors have crept in as a result... Project management: You don't lack promising product ideas. If it weren't for the day-to-day business that keeps getting in the way of efficient and practical implementation... Ressource-Bottleneck: Your employee resources are exhausted, but you need capable additions to your teams in the short term to drive internal projects forward. Time management: Your development regularly falls behind because groundbreaking decisions drag on... Project team: You lack consistency in the internal project team because employees work on several projects at the same time... Technologies and trends: You may know your market, but you are too involved in day-to-day business to keep track of the latest technologies and trends... consultation We support innovative companies in implementing their ideas quickly, safely and practically, so that you as a company can realise your full potential and put your horsepower on the road. Click here for a free consultation Our competence for your success! Extensive range of services: Product designers, development engineers and production specialists all work in-house hand in hand. Since 1997: Designated experience in the successful development of products for sectors such as Industry, mechanical engineering, aviation, medical technology, consumer goods Your success is our success: We have a high understanding of quality and are therefore committed that your product development succeed. Project management: You don't lack promising product ideas. If it weren't for the day-to-day business that keeps getting in the way of efficient and practical implementation... Exciting profiles: The right profile for every task. From junior and senior roles to experienced project managers, we have the right person for the job. Feasibility: We only deliver design and functional concepts that can be produced and implemented. Thanks to in-depth expertise and our in-house prototyping department. Click here for a free consultation 1. CONTACT Get in touch with us via contact form or phone call 2. CONSULTING We will be happy to advise you free of charge and explain in detail how we can help your product succeed with our extensive range of services. 3. OFFER Based on your specifications, we prepare a cooperation proposal with a cost estimation, project schedule and timetable. Get to know us and our services. We will be happy to advise you on your project in a personal meeting without obligation. Raffael Heierli, Head of Mechanical Engineering & MJF CONTACT FORM +41 44 952 57 87
- Marenco AG | Multi Jet Fusion Event
Information about ISO GPS - Training SEND Please fill out the corresponding form below in order to receive the latest information about ISO GPS.
- Marenco AG | Consulting | Pfäffikon
Marenco Consulting Contact Form Options SEND Andreas Litscher Head of Consulting +41 44 952 57 14 Email Consulting