Keine Werkzeug- und Initialkosten für Prototypen, Null-, Klein-, und Mittelserien.
Wir fertigen Ihre Teile mit höchster Präzision.
Serienfertigung, Einzelanfertigungen, Prototypen.
Wir fertigen Ihre Teile mit höchster Präzision.
Serienfertigung, Einzelanfertigungen, Prototypen.
Mehr Zeit zum Entwickeln
Von DOCUFY für Siemens NX
Mehr Zeit zum Entwickeln
Von DOCUFY für Siemens NX
Our Du
Design | Engineering | Produktion | CAD Consulting
Design | Engineering | Produktion | CAD Consulting

Learn how your product development
processes are converted to be future-proof.
Design for Sustainability
Sustainable Product Development
Are you familiar with these challenges?
EU / CH regulations: You are aware that a sustainable development process is essential. However, you lack insight into current regulations and/or what will happen in the future.
Expertise: You lack the "state-of-the-art" expertise on the subject of "sustainable product development" and "product circularity".
Implementation: You want to make your product development processes more environmentally friendly and yet economical, but you don't know how to proceed.
Time: Your day-to-day business makes it impossible for you to optimize processes; you lack an experienced sparring partner.
Our workshop for your sustainable product development:
In collaboration with the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST), we have developed an attractive package for all development engineers, development managers and R&D teams. In a 1-2 day workshop, you will be shown the path to a recyclable product, according to the latest standards and taking current regulations into account. From practitioners for practitioners, academically sound.
3 steps for quick implementation into your product development process
With the "Value Chain Analysis" you will learn to describe and understand the life cycle of your product along the value chain.
The life cycle assessment helps you identify ecological weak points.
Development of improvement strategies and elaboration of measures applied to a specific product.
Workshop day
Introduction to the
Getting to know "Value Chain Analysis"
Getting to know "Life Cycle Assessment"
Practical application step by step of the "Design for Sustainability" approach using an example (best practice)
Systematic and type-appropriate development of improvement suggestions and measures
Workshop day
Application of the "Design for Sustainability" approach to a customer-specific product.
Step-by-step through the use case (specific product or example product)
Next steps for integrating the method into your own company
Depending on your individual needs, you can book our workshop individually (Day 1 - Basics) or as a double pack (Day 1 and 2, Basics and company-specific application).
Arrange a free consultation today.